Wednesday, December 15, 2010

alhamdulillah =)

satu pengalaman yg menarik...alhamdulillah ya Ar-razak kerana memberi ku peluang ini...moga dirahmati dan dipenuhi dgn kasih sayangmu yg tidak pernah luput..=)

semalam lagi satu pengalaman...naik motor dlm hujan!!! sakit sey...mcm kene pukul 'tuk tuk'

tp menarik...okay jakun sekejap...klau abg n adik2 tahu confirm mereka akan mentertawakan diri ini...

yelah mana pernah naik mtr sey seumur hidup...aku ada org kereta atau pengangkutan awam...pendek kata...kenderaan yg beroda 4...hahha

kerja...hmm..harus bersyukur dgn apa yg ada...doakan ya supaya ku mendapat pekerjaan yg lebih baik dari yg sekarang ini...moga amin!

kabulkan ya Ar-razak amin!

okay sampai di sini saja...

to the dearest ;) terima kasih =)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


moga ianya menjadi penawar....

jika kamu sudah bertekad, maka bertawakkallah kepada Allah...insyaAllah semua okay amin=)

usaha doa tawakkal...yakin tapi jgn terlalu...yakin dan mengharap seperti burung yand memerlukan dua sayap untuk terbang...begitu juga aku,kami,semuanya...yakin dan harap...dua lagi aset penting yg harus ada pada diri....

sabarlah..insyaAllah semuanya okay...sabar dgn sabar yg cantik....

ya Allah, moga Engkau beri diri ini jalan keluar pada setiap masalah dgn cara apa sekali pun walau dgn cara yg tidak pernah kusangkakann, dgn cara ku rasa sgt mustahil untuk berlaku...insyaAllah..amin..

Ar-razak, Al-fattah, Ar-rahman,Ar-rahim...

Allah ma'na=)

doakan semua!

Saturday, October 9, 2010



hahah...okay ketawa sendiri...sbb bila sibuk mcm2 nk type kat blog tp bila sudah ada kesempatan terus tk tahu nk tulis apa...hahha


okay lh nanti bila dah tahu nk tulis apa kt masuk balik kalau ada kesempatan insyaAllah =)

ape2 pun alhamdulillah senyum....

senyum senyum senyum...

untuk sahabat2 di Melbourne selamat menjalani peperiksaan..moga dipermudahkan amin!insyaAllah...=)

Thursday, September 30, 2010

alhamdulillah hujan niari =)

hmmm...nk tulis apa eh....hmmm...ooohhh...

ni hah....

sebagai peringatan kepada diri sendiri...

selalu kt fikir..oh mesti kerja nanti mesti ada duit masuk...dpt kumpul duit...dan sebagainya...maksudnya...CONFIRM ADA DUIT lh...maksudnya kt rasa bila kerja dapat duit dgn bekerja kt ada secara langsung kt berharap dari bekerja... okay faham...

tapi sebenarnya tidak benar....

duit itu dtgnya dari Allah...jadi kalau tetiba kt tk dpt duit...atau tetiba gaji lambat masuk...atau tetiba gaji kene potong dan sebainya..memang sebagai manusia yg alpa akan gugup, cemas dan risau...alamak mcm mana nie...mcm mana nk byr itu dan ini...

tp ingatlh duhai diri..insyaAllah percayalh kalau itu yg berlaku fokuskn balik mindamu...insyaAllah rezekinya ada..insyaAllah ada jalan penyelesaiannya..insyaAllah okay saja..sebab duit dtg dari Allah...harap kepada Allah...klau tkde sbb Allah kata tk blh ada buat masa sekarang...sebab Allah yg melambatkan atau cepatkan atau kt dpt right on time..

kat mana2 sama aja...

okay...jgn risau...jgn fikir apa2...

apa2 senyum...SENYUM!=)=)=)

Thursday, September 16, 2010


In need of some refreshment....hohoho
Anw, Selamat Hari Raya to all! Taqabballahu minna aminkum, taqabballahu ya karim!
tetiba tk tahu nk tulis apa... Hari ini hari Khamis...sebab itu dah pancit..hahha
Tuesday outing was splendid...=) Thank you to the lovely ladies... it has been a very long time since we met...
but every time we meet the bonding is always the same...=) alhamdulillah for the opportunity..
bila kita sudah berazam, maka bertawakkallah kepada Allah, insyaAllah Allah makbulkan =)
as always missing Melbourne...the place where i 'grow up' =) heeh
to cik in, jazakillah for the updates =) hahhaha terasa sebenarnya blog awk tu adalah untuk kita..hahha perasan sungguh...tkpe =)
to mun2, all the best in writting your thesis...buatlh yg terbaik dan bila dah habes tulis/menaip terasa lega dan puas...=) the feeling of relief... moga2 berjaya...
okaylh dah nk pukul 9am...huhu dah kena mulakn kerja...moga hari ini adalah yg terbaik dari hari semalam...
sikit lagi aja dah hujung minggu....weee... sekejap lagi (9 jam yg akan dtg) dah habes kerja...hohoho... apa saja belum mula dah fikir untuk waktu balik...itulh lumrah alam pekerjaan...
okay sampai di sini saja...
senyum...=] =] =] supaya diri terasa indah...
ngantoklh sebenarnya..hohoh....huhuhu...tkpe tahan sikit lagi aja..
okay sakeenah dah..
illa liqa' =)
Allah blesses us Amin! =)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Alhamdulillah...Last night was simple yet splendid..

it helps!!!

i keep on saying this but never get the chance to actually feel it though when i'm resting at tend to think about work eventhough you dont want to. it's stucked and glued to your head.
but yesterday rejuvenating for me...=) weee... thank you Allah for the opportunities...
huhu...the sickness comes back...high level on endurance is needed especially in this sunny hot weather... we can do it yeay!!!
what more to write..
one of the holiest months will be ending soon...let's hope that this year's holiest month is one of the best in our life... let's make full use of the rest of the days left to the fullest, insyaAllah! May we meet again next time insyaAllah..and May everything we ask and need will be fullfilled..amin!!!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010



alhamdulillah.. semalam nk tulis psl rindu.... tetiba dah terubat sikit jd okay dah..=) thanks for the call dearest misses=]

that's what I believe... in the holy month of Ramadhan..whatever you wish for would come true immediately...

Have you ever wanted to eat donuts for example...then during break fast someone gives you the donuts? - one of the example I can be anything..

yesterday I miss lots of things...and one of them being in the country down under... how irony.. when im there i miss here..but when im here i miss there.. okay why i miss my country when im there is because my family and friends are here plus i was brought up here...

but what makes me miss there is because that is the place that teaches me almost everything...a place where it witnesses me teaches me patience, independent, to live in a moderate way in the middle of higher standard of living (almost the same like here actually, but still a bit different of a different environment), to be yourself and hold on to your belief in wherever you are because you are the minority...and above all makes me feel that Allah is always with you, so dont be afraid and sad..(still learning)

writting about it makes me miss there again today...

but alhamdulillah what i miss in the day was answered at night cause i received a call from my Misses..thanks again for the call and remembering me...(tk aci sey awk dpt mkn il dolce ice-cream, huhuhu, kt pun nk jugak)

everything take time...adaptation-immediate effect or not..

give it time okay...insyaAllah you'll get the answers.. plan carefully and dont rush things, rushing things would end up messy and you might regret it after.. motto..
S-M-I-L-E =] it will brighten the people around you and it would give the effect back to you..

thank you Allah =]

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Clouds @ Awan =]

Clouds are still my favourites=)


My wish is still remained the same:

to be on the clouds to either read books or just sit there sure it will be awesome...

but cannot sit on top of it...huahuahu

nvrmind...just imagine it is still nice...

it makes me at peace...

okaylah nak tulis pasal awan aja...

gmbr awan yg real tkde.. tp nie kira okaylh jugak
klau ada gambar betul lagi best..
tkpe lain kali okays..
selamat berpuasa!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


oleh kerana cik intan payung cik mun mun dan puan mar asyik minta saya mengemas kini blog ini...nah!!! huahuahuahua (muan bukan enciklh tp cik saja, i nie perempuan, encik untuk lelakilh)

okay apa yg anda semua mahu tahu...

Alhamdulillah sekian lama mencuba dan menunggu, akhirnya saya dianugerahkan satu pekerjaan (mar jg buat muka eh 'tk habes2 satu, satu tulh satu nielh')

it takes up to 6.5 months for me to get a job. nevermind all in all All Praises are to Allah, who has provided us with whatever WE NEED...I repeat..WE NEED... why?

yes, of course HE will answer our prayers to give what we want..but sometime He didnt..why because He knows what we need and what we dont need. So sometimes we ask for something that we might not need or if we were to get it we might not be able to handle it well.

Thank you Allah for this. May this job is the best for me and I believe it is, insyaAllah amin!

Doakan eh semua somoga semuanya berjalan dgn lancar...

This job is hard...okay every job has its own hardness or the difficult part of it.. But seriously this job is VERY hard...because you need to be physically well, you can get tired easily because if it's sunny usually you have to go out to sites for inspection both the sites and also your workers.. the sites can be small medium and big...

so if you get tired easily, your emotion can be affected...because you have to get the paper work ready as well. paper works come in various

and if your emotion was affected you might affect your communication with everyone..

too much things to handle at once...

you can also be semua tekalh saya sekarang nie mcm mana (tp tk bnyk beza pun)

if honours is hard...wait till you are in working is even tougher...yes of course work doesnt require accessment like or if you get H1 meanning you are good. good in studying might not make the person to be also good at working...studying life and working life are two separate things. but if you were good at both than good for you if not than try to be good okay.

okaylh dah tk tahu nk update ape lagi..hohoho..

okays cik in i dah update...i will try to update often but no promiseslh eh...=)

wasalam:selamat menyambut bulan Ramadhan yg penuh berkat moga2 ianya adalah Ramadhan yg lebih bermakna dari yg lepas2 amin!

Saturday, January 9, 2010



yeayness bilik dah ada world map yg besar (nie lh terinfluence dgn cik In...huahuahuahuhaua, tp i punya kecil sikit ah)

okays...itu je nk update..

sakit kepala on top of of the sicknesses each month...

tkpe mudah-mudahan kafarah dosa amiin! =)

Saturday, January 2, 2010


to Cik in, mun2....

missing you both too so much... =) hugs!!!

thanx for everything too!

alhamdulillah..dah selamat kembali ke tanah air...

Melbourne: tetap bertahta di hati...

another storries of life...

huhuhu: sesiapa ingin menghubungi daku buat masa sekarg tk boleh ah.. SIM masih inactivate...

starhub cepatlh ada operator jawab panggianku....

TO nadiah sweetheart: miss you too and want to meet you too..nanti noi hubungi nadiah kalau SIM dah boleh guna okays.

to the rests: please pray that I'm able to get a job soon okays (huahuahua padahal tk antar application lagi)

okays sakeenah...lepas nie buat antar terus pastu doa dan tawakkal...

alhamdulillah ya Razak 'ala kulli hal.
