Sunday, May 27, 2012


Everything happen with reasons. Either you like it or not you have to go through it. Its part and parcel of life. Life is to move on think positively insyaAllah everything will be fine. The most important word is redha not pasrah. Everything belong to Allah. Your job your family your salary your self - All is not yours. When Allah takes something from you dont be sad as it is his - he can take anytime he wants. But Allah is never zalim. When he takes something or test you with something meaning he knows you are capable to handle them. If you thing you cant pray to Allah to help you out. is easy to say then do it. But insyaAllah we can. The other key word is ikhlas n syukur n patience. Note to self - dont worry insyaAllah everything will be okay. You are stronger theN you think you are. ALLAH is with you always remember that okays. SMILE ;) Till then. (just figure out how to blog through phone...hahaha)