Thursday, November 17, 2011

i MiSs....

tHiNgS tHaT i MiSs....

nOtHiNg iS fOrEvEr iN tHiS wOrLd....

tErInGaT kAtA-kAtA sEsEoRaNg..... (lEbIh KuRaNg McM nIe....)

mEnGhArApKaN kEpAdA oRaNg LaIn, nAnTi kItA yAnG sAkIt hAtI kAlAu KiTa TiDaK dApAt ApA yAnG dIiNgInI....

TaPi KlAu KiTa MeNgHaRaP kEpAdA AlLaH...iNsYaAlLaH hAtI kItA lAgI tEnAnG...

(but we are only human, tend to forget)

okay dah nk start kerje...ntah angin apa...heeh tkde asyik memendam rindu (refer to the above pictures) tk tahu nk luahkan dgn siapa..jd last2 tulis kat sini padahal dah berzaman sey tk update...

blog is not my thing...okay ape2 technology is not my thing...kadang2 bila terasa baru tulis/type...

internet dan seangkatan dgnnye terlalu public and open....

my wish and will always be my wish...seating on the cloud away from hassle of the world and read books or just seat there doing nothing...

okay dah=)